CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Chronic Migraines and Headaches

I'm 36 and have been having chronic migraines and headaches for 5 years. My symptoms include pain all over my head including my tongue, skin, teeth, eyes, scalp, and "normal" headache-type pain. I also have dizziness, nausea, difficulty finding words, shaky hands, fatigue, inability to concentrate, and mood swings. This sucks.

I am able to work, but my prescription medication makes me foggy and that in combination with my pain makes it difficult to concentrate. I have to take an average of two days off sick per month. I am extremely fortunate to have an understanding employer but my previous employer was not as good. They tried to accommodate me but we couldn't make it work and they had to let me go.

I am also lucky in that I have an understanding partner so when I have to spend days in bed and cannot participate in household chores and parenting he can pick up the slack.

I feel guilty because I have reduced capacity at home and at work; I have to constantly tell myself that I'm not lazy, I'm legitimately sick. Botox works somewhat and my medication works somewhat but I'm beginning to realize that this is my life now and I'd better be grateful that it's not worse. I just wish I was normal.

Thank you for your interest in this consultation with the Canadian Pain Task Force towards an improved approach to better understand, prevent, and manage pain in Canada. 

The online consultation is now closed, and written submissions are no longer being accepted. 

Feedback provided from the consultation will inform a report identifying best and leading practices, potential areas for improvement, and elements of an improved approach to pain management in fall 2020. 

For more information on the Task Force, please visit the following link:  

Keep in touch with us via email at CPTF 


Canadian Pain Task Force