Key Dates
Definition, and Advance Care Planning
Discussion 1.2: Advance Care Planning
Idea Theme 1: Advance Care Planning - Definition
Tell Your Story
Quick Poll 1
National Hospice Palliative Care Week, and Consistent Access to Palliative Care
Discussion 2.2: Consistent Access to Palliative Care
Discussion 2.3: Innovations to Improve Access
Idea Theme 2.1: Consistent Access to Palliative Care
Idea Theme 2.2: Open ended
Quick Poll 2
Patient and Family-Centred Care, People living with life threatening illness, and Caregiver Supports
Discussion 3.2: Person and Family-Centred Care – Self-Reflection
Discussion 3.3: Caregiver Challenges
Discussion 3.4: Caregiver Supports
Idea Theme 3: Person and Family-Centred Care, and people living with life-threatening illness
Quick Poll 3.1
Quick Poll 3.2
Special Populations
Discussion 4.2: Special Populations – Increasing Access
Idea Theme 4: Special Populations
Quick Poll 4
Health Care Provider Education, Training and Supports
Idea Theme 5: Health Care Provider Training and Supports
Quick Poll 5